It costs between ₹27,000-₹45,000 to rescue one Gomata and ₹9k-18k for a calf, depending on breed and weight.
Read How Cows are Trafficked to Slaughter ---->https://www.antyodayagoraksha.org/save-a-cows-life
Food for Gomatas Costs 30k Per Day
50 Bundles of DryGrass for Breakfast - 4.5k
50 Bundles of DryGrass for Lunch - 4.5k
About 4 to 5 Tons of Chaffed Green Grass for Dinner- 18k
Jaggery Dessert - 3k
Average Per Day Maintenance Cost of Goshala 15k
(30 GoSevaks Salary, Medicines for Gomatas, Veterinarian Visiting Fee, Panditji’s Salary, Power Bills & All Other Expenditures)
As all cows are Rescued after their Milk Yield Decreased, Cows are Not Milked - All Milk is For Calves Only. Not a Drop is Sold.
Request all to Help in Rescue of a Cow from Ending up in Slaughter.
If possible, Please Consider Sponsoring a Rescue for Special Occasions in your Life - Godaan would be performed in your name🙏
(A mandatory ritual for every Hindu, according to Garuda Purana. Read More: https://www.antyodayagoraksha.org/godaan)
Goseva Options
Contribute for Green Grass
Veterinary care & medicines for all cows for a day
One Meal Dry Grass for All Cows
Jaggery for all cows for a day
1.5 Tons of Green Grass
Feed & Care One Cow For a Month
Green Grass Dinner for All Cows
A Day's Food to All Gomatas
Adopt Goshala For a Day

Read More about How Cows are Trafficked to Slaughter:
Save a cow from ending up in slaughter
Rescue a cow and her calf
Save a large cow and calf
(Gir or Devayani Breed)
Ways You Can Donate

Mission Antyodaya Goraksha Charitable Trust
Current A/c Num 037005008320
IFSC: ICIC0000370
Nallakunta Branch
For NRIs / International Cards / Foreign Currency 👇
Donate Directly on Website
Recurring Donation
Click on below items if you wish to make Regular Donation for Goseva.
On Subscribing, the Donation Amount will be Auto Deducted in a Periodic Manner.
This is Currently only Available for Indian Accounts Only 🙏
Please Note:
Exemption under Section 80G is Available for Indian Tax Payers
In case receipt is not received automatically, please send an email to mail@antyodayagoraksha.org with your donation details
FCRA Registration is pending