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Writer: antyodayagorakshaantyodayagoraksha

Updated: Jan 5

The Go Savitri Stotram occurs in Sree Mahabharatham, as a discussion between Bheeshma Pitamaha and Yudhistira (Dharmaraj), in praise of Cows, whom we Revere as Divine beings walking on Earth.

This is also called Go Savitri Mantram.

The Devanagari text, Transliteration & Meaning:

नारायणं नमस्कृत्य देवीं त्रिभुवनेश्वरीम्।

गोसावित्रीं प्रवक्ष्यामि व्यासेनोक्तं सनातनीम् यस्य श्रवणमात्रेण सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते ॥ १॥

nārāyaṇaṁ namaskṛtya devīṁ tribhuvaneśśvarīm |

gosāvitrīṁ pravakṣyāmi vyāsenoktaṁ sanātanīm yasya śravaṇamātreṇa sarvapāpaiḥ pramucyate 1

1. Prostrations to Narayana & Goddess Devi, the Controller of All the three Worlds. Gosavitri Stotram is rendered here. This mantram is Eternal and it has been composed by Sage Vyasa Mahamuni Himself. Just by hearing this stotram, a person would get relieved of Sins.

गवां निःश्वसितं वेदाः सषडंगपदक्रमाः l शीक्षा व्याकरणं छंदो निरुक्तं ज्योतिषं तथा॥ २॥

gavāṁ niḥśvasitaṁ vedāḥ saṣaḍaṁgapadakramāḥ l

śīkṣā vyākaraṇaṁ chaṁdo niruktaṁ jyotiṣaṁ tathā 2

2. Cow itself is Veda with all its components, metrical and verbal representation, having six distinctive features - Shiksha, Vyakaranam, Chandas, Niruktham, Jyothisha & Kalpa

एतासाम आग्रशृंगेषु इंद्रविष्णू स्वयंस्थितौ

शिरो ब्रह्मा गुरुः स्कंधे ललाटे वृषभध्वजः l

कर्णयोरश्विनौ देवौ चक्षुषोः शशिभास्कर ॥ ३॥

etāsāmagraśṛṁgeṣu iṁdraviṣṇū svayaṁsthitau

śiro brahmā guruḥ skaṁdhe lalāṭe vṛṣabhadhvajaḥ |

karṇayoraśvinau devau cakṣuṣoḥ śaśibhāskarau 3

3. Indra and Vishnu are present in the horns of the Cow. Brahmadeva in the head, Brihaspati in the neck, Lord Shiva, with bull insignia flag, is present on the forehead of the Cow, Twin Gods Ashvinis are present in the ears, and her eyes house Sun and Moon

दंष्ट्रेषु मरुतो देवा जिह्वायां च सरस्वती।

कंठे च वरुणो देवो हृदये हव्यवाहनः॥ ४॥

daṁṣṭreṣu maruto devā jihvāyāṁ ca sarasvatī |

kaṁṭhe ca varuṇo devo hṛdaye havyavāhanaḥ 4

4. Gods of the winds, Maruts are present in the teeth of the Cow. Goddess of speech and knowledge, Sarasvathi is present In Cow’s tongue. Her Throat houses Varuna, and God of Fire Agni, who carries the oblations offered in yajnas to the gods, is Present in her Heart.

उदरे पृथिवी देवी सशैलवनकानना।

ककुदि द्यौः सनक्षत्रा पृष्ठे वैवस्वतो यमः॥ ५॥

udare pṛthivī devī saśailavanakānanā |

kakudi dyauḥ sanakṣatrā pṛṣṭhe vaivasvato yamaḥ 5

5. Cow’s abdomen itself is Earth, with all mountains, jungles and forests. the Hump on her back, represents Sky, with all its stars. Her rear portion is the seat of Yama, the Vaivasvata.

ऊर्वोस्तु वसवो देवा वायुर्जङ्गे समाश्रितः।

आदित्यस्त्वाश्रितो वाले साध्याः सर्वाङ्गसंधिषु॥ ६॥

ūrvostu vasavo devā vāyurjaṅge samāśritaḥ |

ādityastvāśrito vāle sādhyāḥ sarvāṅgasaṁdhiṣu 6

6. Her thighs house the Vasu gods, knees accommodate Vayu, the god of winds, the Sun god Aditya, is present in her tail. Sadhyas occupy all her body joints.

अपाने सर्वतीर्थानि गोमूत्रे जाह्नवी स्वयम्।

धृतिः पुष्टिही महालक्ष्मीही र्गोमये संस्थिताः सदा॥ ७॥

apāne sarvatīrthāni gomūtre jāhnavī svayam |

dhṛtiḥ puṣṭihi mahālakṣmīhi gomaye saṁsthitāḥ sadā 7

7. All Sacred waters are present in her rear excretory organs. and in Her urine, the daughter of sage Jahnu, river Ganga, herself is present. The Goddess of wealth, sublimity, and growth, Laksmi is Always present ever in the dung of the Cow.

नासिकायां च श्रीदेवी ज्येष्ठा वसति भामिनी।

चत्वारः सागराः पूर्णा गवां ह्येव पयोधरे॥ ८॥

nāsikāyāṁ ca śrīdevī jyeṣṭhā vasati bhāminī |

catvāraḥ sāgarāḥ pūrṇā gavāṁ hyeva payodhare 8

8. Goddess of wealth Shree and powerful Jyeshtaa are present in the two nostrils of the cow. The four teats in her Udders (the organ which gives milk) are the Oceans.

खुरमध्येषु गंधर्वाः खुराग्रे पन्नगाः श्रिताः।

खुराणां पश्चिमे भागे ह्यप्सराणां गणाः स्मृताः॥ ९॥

khuramadhyeṣu gaṁdharvāḥ khurāgre pannagāḥ śritāḥ |

khurāṇāṁ paścime bhāge hyapsarāṇāṁ gaṇāḥ smṛtāḥ 9

9. Middle of Cow’s hooves, Gandharvas are present, Tips houses the reptiles and snakes. Beautiful damsels of the Heaven, Apsaras, are Present in the western side of the hooves of the Cow.

श्रोणीतस्तेषु पितरो रोमलांगूलमाश्रिताः।

ऋषयो रोमकूपेषु चर्मण्येव प्रजापतिः॥ १०॥

śroṇītasteṣu pitaro romalāṁgūlamāśritāḥ |

ṛṣayo romakūpeṣu carmaṇyeva prajāpatiḥ 10

10. The deities representing the departed souls, Pitrus, are found hanging on the hairs of the Cow’s body, Sages are found in the roots of Her hair and her Skin houses the Prajapati.

हुंकारे चतुरो वेदा हुंशब्दे च प्रजापतिः।

एवं विष्णुमयं गात्रं तासां गोप्ता स केशवः॥ ११॥

huṁkāre caturo vedā huṁśabde ca prajāpatiḥ |

evaṁ viṣṇumayaṁ gātraṁ tāsāṁ goptā sa keśavaḥ 11

11. Mooing of the cows gives out Vedas, Each & every sound made by Cow, Prajapathi himself is present. Thus, her whole body is embodiment of Lord Vishnu and Her protector is none other than Lord Srikrishna with beautiful hair.

गवां दृष्ट्वा नमस्कृत्य कृत्वा चैव प्रदक्षिणम्।

प्रदक्षिणीकृता तेन सप्तद्वीपा वसुंधरा॥ १२॥

gavāṁ dṛṣṭvā namaskṛtya kṛtvā caiva pradakṣiṇam |

pradakṣiṇīkṛtā tena saptadvīpā vasuṁdharā 12

12. Upon Seeing a Cow, One who goes around her clockwise, (pradakshina) with Reverence, is actually doing the pradashinam of the Entire mother Earth, (Vasundhara) with all the seven continents.

कामदोग्ध्री स्वयं कामदोग्धा सन्निहिता मता।

गोग्रासस्य विशेषोऽस्ति हस्तसंपूर्णमात्रतः शतब्राह्मणभुक्तेन सममाहुर्युधिष्ठिर॥ १३॥

kāmadogdhrī svayaṁ kāmadogdhā sannihitā matā |

gogrāsasya viśeṣo'sti hastasaṁpūrṇamātrataḥ śatabrāhmaṇabhuktena samamāhuryudhiṣṭhira 13

13. Each & Every Cow present on this Earth is Kamadhenu, Capable of fulfilling all desires of a Human being & can bless with whatever One wants from Her, Fistful of Fodder Offered to a Cow, With Reverence, is Enough to Gain Special benefits of Feeding Hundred Learned Veda Pandits

य इदं पठते नित्यं शृणुयाद्वा समाहितः ब्राह्मणो लभते विद्यां क्षत्रियो राज्यमश्नुते।

वैश्यो धनसमृद्धः स्याच्चूद्रः पापात् प्रमुच्यते ॥ १४॥

ya idaṁ paṭhate nityaṁ śṛṇuyādvā samāhitaḥ

brāhmaṇo labhate vidyāṁ kṣatriyo rājyamaśnute |

vaiśyo dhanasamṛddhaḥ syāccūdraḥ pāpāt pramucyate 14

14. Bheeshma tells Yudhistira “one who recites this stotram or hears it being recited, with great attention, gains the following benefits, Seeker who recites this attains great knowledge. Warriors would gain kingdom, The businessman would make great profits and the rest of the people would get relieved of all their sins.

गर्भीणी जनयेत् पुत्रं कन्या भर्तारमाप्नुयात्।

सायं प्रातस्तु पठतां शांतिस्वस्त्ययनं महत्॥ १५॥

garbhīṇī janayet putraṁ kanyā bhartāramāpnuyāt |

sāyaṁ prātastu paṭhatāṁ śāṁtisvastyayanaṁ mahat 15

15. A pregant woman reciting or hearing this stotra would give birth to a bright male child. A young girl, reading or hearing it read would be blessed with suitable bridegroom. Whoever recites this every morning and evening would attain peace of mind and great welfare.

अहोरात्रकृतैः पापैस्थी तत्क्षणात् परिमुच्यते।

फलं तु गोसहस्रस्य इतयुक्तं हि ब्रह्मणा पुरा॥ १६॥

ahorātrakṛtaiḥ pāpaisthi tatkṣaṇāt parimucyate |

phalaṁ tu gosahasrasya ityuktaṁ hi brahmaṇā purā 16

16. Chanting this stotra even once would relieve a person of the sins committed by him day in and day out unknowingly. The effect of chanting this stotram is praised by learned people as bestower of the same benefits of making gifts of thousands of cows.

गावो मे ह्यग्रतः संतु गावो मे संतु पृष्ठतः।

गावो मे हृदये संतु गवां मध्ये वसाम्यहम्॥ १७॥

gāvo me hyagrataḥ saṁtu gāvo me saṁtu pṛṣṭhataḥ |

gāvo me hṛdaye saṁtu gavāṁ madhye vasāmyaham 17

17. May the cows be present in front of me.. May the cows be present behind me May the cows be present in my hear.. may they be so dear to me May I be permitted to live in the midst of many cows.

सुरभिर्वैष्णवी माता नित्यं विष्णुपदे स्थिता।

गोग्रासं तु मया दत्तं सुरभिः प्रतिगृह्यताम्॥ १८॥

surabhirvaiṣṇavī mātā nityaṁ viṣṇupade sthitā |

gogrāsaṁ tu mayā dattaṁ surabhiḥ pratigṛhyatām 18

18. May the morsel of food and fodder offered by me to every cow be received with great happines by mother Surabhi, the Divind Kamadhenu, who has stationed herself at the Lotus feet of Lord Vishnu Himself.

गावो मे मातरः सर्वाः सर्वे मे पितरो वृषाः।

ग्रासमुष्टिं मया दत्तं सुरभिः प्रतिगृह्यताम्॥ १९॥

gāvo me mātaraḥ sarvāḥ sarve me pitar vṛṣāḥ |

grāsamuṣṭiṁ mayā dattaṁ surabhiḥ pratigṛhyatām 19

19. All the cows anywhere are my mothers, and every Vrishabha or Bull is my father. May this morself of grain and fodder offered to the cow be received by Surabhi, the Kamadhenu Herself.

फलानां गोसहस्रस्य प्रदद्याम ब्राह्मणोत्तमे।

सर्वतीर्थाधिकं पुण्यम इतयुक्तं ब्रह्मणा पुरा॥ २०॥

phalānāṁ gosahasrasya pradadyām brāhmaṇottame |

sarvatīrthādhikaṁ puṇyam ityuktaṁ brahmaṇā purā 20

20. The chanting of this stotram and offering of fodder to a cow would bestow on us the same benefits that would arise to one who gives as gift thousand cows to the best of learned persons

॥ इति श्रीमन्महाभारते भीष्मयुधिष्ठिरसंवादे


|| iti śrīmanmahābhārate bhīṣmayudhiṣṭhirasaṁvāde

gosāvitrīstotram |

This Stotram is from Mahabharatam, Conversation of Bheeshma Pitamaha & Yudhishthira Called the Gosavitri Stotram


Chanting this Stotram and Smearing our Bodies with the Dust from the places where the Hooves of the COWS are placed, One would Attain the Punya of having bath in all the theerthas on this Planet Earth

This stotram, if chanted or listened to by Pregnant Ladies would help them in Safe Delivery.

If chanted or listened to by unmarried Girls or Boys, Would be blessed with suitable matches in marriage.


About Godaan

"A mandatory Ritual in One's Lifetime" - Garuda Purana

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(Costs between ₹9,000-₹45,000)


Various Options to Feed Cows

 4 Bundles of DryGrass - ₹501

4 DryGrass & 150Kg Green Grass - ₹1,116

525KGs of Green Grass - ₹2,100

Jaggery for All Cows - ₹3,000

DryGrass Meal for All 300+ Cows - ₹4,500

Green Grass Meal for All Cows - ₹18,000

One Day's Feed to All Cows - ₹27,000

Razorpay - Instant 80G Receipt





Bank Account

Mission Antyodaya Goraksha Charitable Trust

State Bank of India

Current Account Number: 42129553899

IFSC: SBIN0020083

Branch: Nallakunta


For Donations from Abroad/International cards

Milaap Fundraiser



(Paypal of Managing Trustee,

Funds Received Here Would be, First Transferred to Below Goshala Bank Account, and Transaction Details would Be Sent to Email)


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Remedies as per Parashara Samhita

Feeding Gomatas different offerings gives different benefits

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