JANAKA, was the powerful ruler of the vast kingdom VIDEHA. He lived in a palace made of gold with all the luxuries of the world. JANAKA was qlwo known as the most knowledgeable person with detachment.
One day, a learned Pandit came to his court to discuss vairagya or detachment with him. Seeing the King surrounded with luxuries, he lost his patience and screamed at the king saying he, who Pampers himself with all the luxuries of the world, is incapable to even understand the meaning of Vairagya, and accused him of propaganda.
JANAKA angrily asked the scholar to be imprisoned, and to be beheaded in 7 days. He ordered that he be treated with utmost luxury in the meanwhile. The scholar was treated with the choicest of food, clothing, and to the epitome of luxury the 7 days.
On the 7th day, he was brought to the court, and JANAKA asked, so, "did you enjoy the luxurious treatment?"
The scholar said "How could I? When death was looming around me? Each minute, these 7 days was spent in fear."
JANAKA laughed and said, "This is how I lead my life amidst all luxury. Every passing second I am aware of the uncertainty of life, and I lead my life stuck to Dharma with an awareness that the coming moment may be my last. This is DETACHMENT. And because of this detachment and awareness, I am able to intertwine DHARMA with KARMA."
This is the total essence of What Srikrishna preached in Srimad Bhagavad Gita too. When there is no attachment to the result, and when there is awareness of uncertainty of life, WORK IS MORE PRODUCTIVE.