To adopt a Gomata and take care of her is like adopting a temple, and ensuring Nitya Kainkaryas to Devata. According to Mahabharata, this is the only way to attain "Vajapeya Yagna" Phala, which is Nishiddha in Kaliyuga.
By Adopting Gomata, You would be Providing for her Daily Feed along with Daily Seva.
Regular Updates would be sent about your Adopted Cow.
Gomatas available for Adoption are Listed Below with their Date Of Rescue,
All Gomatas Have Arrived to Goshala after Being Exploited and are Currently Being Rehabilitated,
Your Adoption Would Go Far In Helping With Their Recuperation 🙏
GOMATAs For Adoption:
(Scroll to bottom to fill Adoption Form)
Adoption cost is ₹4,500 / Month or ₹54,000 / Year for Gomata
You can name the Gomata you adopt
Make your choice, and fill the form
Kindly make the payment using the options below to confirm your adoption
Once you confirm adoption, you will get regular updates about your adopted cow 🙏

Mission Antyodaya Goraksha Charitable Trust
Current A/c Num 037005008320
IFSC: ICIC0000370
Nallakunta Branch
For NRIs / International Cards / Foreign Currency 👇
Donate Directly on Website
Recurring Donation
Click on below items if you wish to make Regular Donation for Goseva.
On Subscribing, the Donation Amount will be Auto Deducted in a Periodic Manner.
This is Currently only Available for Indian Accounts Only 🙏
Please Note:
Exemption under Section 80G is Available for Indian Tax Payers
In case receipt is not received automatically, please send an email to with your donation details
FCRA Registration is pending